Glenn: Why the White House's cocaine mystery is ‘ABHORRENT’
929 views • 07/06/2023

Glenn Beck

July 5, 2023

A mysterious ‘white powder’ was discovered at the White House last Sunday, but soon the substance wasn’t so mysterious anymore — it was identified by emergency services as cocaine. So, now the question becomes: WHO brought cocaine into the White House? Was it a tourist? A no-named staffer? Or…a Biden family member (looking at you, Hunter). There’s no way to know, Glenn says, and no reason to point fingers considering the fact that there are SEVERAL ‘creeps’ at the White House who would bring cocaine into the president’s home. But there IS something Glenn feels confident saying about the situation: It’s ‘ABHORRENT.’ In this clip, he explains why this situation is so disheartening for all those who truly revere the United States…

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